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Baxters Giving Back
We believe that every decision has a ripple effect. We believe that every one of us is part of a bigger picture, part of a whole, and that small tweaks in the way we shop, and the products we choose, can have a powerful impact on society as a whole.
Together, we rise.
Together, we rise.

Baxter Blue gives back
We're in business to improve lives and through our partnership with RestoringVision, and your purchases of our glasses, 135,240 people living in poverty have received the glasses they need since 2017.
As we move into the future, we will continue giving back to RestoringVision by making donations that support their overall mission and vision of creating a world where everyone who needs glasses has them.
A simple pair of reading glasses impacts a person’s ability to work, read, and learn. Now that’s powerful.
The gift of vision is a gift that changes lives.
The bigger picture

Restoring Vision
There is no doubt that, as humans, vision is one of our most important senses. In today’s world, the ability to see affects one’s health, educational opportunities, ability to work, productivity, safety, quality of life, and even the global economy.
On a very humane level, vision also impacts one’s ability to interact with their environment, take pleasure in it, and enjoy the people that mean the most to them.
2.5 billion people worldwide suffer from uncorrected vision impairment. Even more staggering, over 500 million people only need reading glasses to correct their issues, but live without the means to access them.
Restoring Vision is changing that, and has empowered the lives of over 17 million people, in more than 130 countries. This is a movement we are proud to be a part of.